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AECM107 auto start controller. Control your battery charge automatically. - Automatic Generator Control Modules

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AECM107 auto start controller. Control your battery charge automatically.

Auto start modules
Model AECM107 is an automatic engine control module designed to automatically [remote wired/wireless control] or manually start and stop a generator engine. It is capable of detecting the voltage of the engine starting battery or externally connected battery, automatically start and run the generator when the battery is ready to charge. The generator operating time (charging time) is re-programmable on site in the range from 10 seconds to 24 hours.

Extra items for AECM107 controller
(click on link below to add required item to your order)

SPECIFICATION [default settings]
DC Supply: generator battery 12V or 24V (8….40Vdc)
Max. Standby Current: 10 mA @ 12 Vdc
AC Alternator Input Range:  300 VAC max
Under speed shutdown: @ 30 Hz [45Hz for USA and Canada]
Over speed shutdown: @ 57 Hz [69Hz for USA and Canada]
External battery bank voltage (max.) 40Vdc
Stop delay timer range: 10sec...24h
Number of attempts: 3
Crank duration: 12 sec
Preheat time: 10 sec
Load on time delay: 10 sec
Load off time delay: 10 sec
Hold-off timer set for: 7 sec
Starter relay output: 20A max
Fuel solenoid output 20A max
Glow plug relay output: 20A max
Load control relay output: 20A max
Dimensions: 95x90x40mm
Operating Temperature Range: -30 to +70°C.
The module should not be used outside or in wet room.
AECM107 wiring diagram
AECM107 controller wiring diagram
AECM107 controller simplified wiring diagram
AECM107 connotation
BVS and Timer Functional Diagram
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