For HY3200SEi / HY4500SEi - Automatic Generator Control Modules

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For HY3200SEi / HY4500SEi

Auto start modules
Hyundai generator HY3200SEi / HY4500SEi compatible auto start controller (2 wire start-stop) key switch replacement.

Simply unplug your Hyundai ignition key switch and re-connect the female connector part to our controller 6 pin plug. Power up the controller by connecting 12V power cable brown wire to battery +12V and blue wire to battery negative. Connect the "engine running" signal wires to your generator 12V socket. Fit the controller near generator on any suitable flat surface. Test the generator start by connecting auto start wires together. The controller may come with a key fob ( up to 100m working distance) if ordered during checkout.

Operation of the 2 wire start-stop input
To start and run the engine automatically, connect and hold 2 start-stop wires together.
The controller will try to crank and run the generator up to 6 times automatically.
Onse the generator started and the "engine running" signal becomes abailable, the controller will stop cranking leaving engine running.
To stop the engine: disconnect 2 start-stop wires.

Operation of the key fob
Press button "A" on your key fob.
The controller will try to crank and run the generator up to 6 times automatically.
Onse the generator started and the "engine running" signal becomes abailable, the controller will stop cranking leaving engine running.
To stop the engine: press buttob "B".

Inside the generator: Disconnect the original ignition key and connect the 6-pin connector instead.
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